About the Journal
Journal description:
Dawat Al-Muhkama Journal is a quarterly peer reviewed journal issued by the House of Arabic Language and Literature Specialized in the field of Arabic language and literature and its applications. It publishes papers and articles written in this specialty after reviewing them by specialized professors who have a long history in this field of science. We would also like to note that the journal is accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the file of scientific promotions. In addition, publishing in the journal is free of charge in support of the Iraqi researcher and as a contribution from the house in spreading knowledge related to linguistic sciences.
Approving the journal
The letter of the Ministry of Higher Education, No. (BT 4/9608) dated 22/10/2014
Paper Issn: 2411-5711 Electronic Issn: 6444-2706
Issuing and publishing authority
The Holy Husseiniya threshold - Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs - Division of the House of Arabic Language and Literature - Dawat Al-Muhkama Journal
Financing entity
The Holy Husseiniya threshold
Academic publisher: House of language and Arabic literature
Geographical location:
Republic of Iraq - Karbala – Al-Jameia - Al-Ulama Square – Opposite of Al-Jazaer School - Division of house of Language and Arabic Literature - Second Floor
Communication with the Journal
+964 7721458001
Journal benefit system
Unlocked- Free
publication type
Arabic language and literature
The number of issues issued
41 issues
List of fake periodicals
Not available
Arab impact factor
2019 (1.16)
2020 (1.4)
Databases in which the journal is located
Iraqi Academic Scientific Journals (IASJ) website
knowledge database
National Research Databases (Syria) (NSR)
Citation Reference Centre for the Sciences of the Islamic World (ISC)
Arab impact factor
Publication system
Online - free
The journal adopts the Turnitin extraction program
Duration of the reviewing process
ten days
Publication policy
Having a clear publishing policy
Journal size
Waziri (B5)
Current Issue
Quarterly Refereed Journal for Researchers, and Linguistic and Educational Studies