Our vision
Nations rise, develop, and prosper in all areas of life via science. By relying on scientific research, the wheel of advancement and prosperity continues. It needs a means to embody it and show it to be a mirror reflecting its activity, as this is one of the indicators of progress and research development and evidence of its civilizational progress and an indication of the extent of its scientific strength.
Our message
Providing the opportunity to achieve advancement and prosperity in an objective spirit, and to benefit from scientific free-of-charge, by:
Establishing a scientific journal for publication.
It is widely spread in the databases.
Benefit from modern, sophisticated and discreet publishing technologies.
Provide a stimulating work environment with its transparency, objectivity and scientific proficiency.
Developing the specialized scientific field.
Our purpose
Advancement, upgrading and development, exploring theories and innovation, enriching specialized scientific libraries and providing them with research and studies of feasibility and scientific interest, building, motivating and creating a promising generation in scientific research that builds progress and scientific prosperity.
Our goals
- Giving researchers the opportunity to publish their research for free.
- Providing an opportunity to document the scientific research published in it in global and regional capacities.
- Contribute to the acridity of published scientific research and present the best to researchers.
- Contributing to the advancement and development of the scientific field through the publication of innovative research.
- Attracting innovative scientific research on the Arab and international levels, in order to be a centre for its publication and documentation.
- Providing a solid publication that is suitable for relying on its published results in scientific research, theses, dissertations and academic studies.
Our services
The journal:
Dawat al-Mahkamah journal was established in the Holy Husseiniya threshold in 2014 AD to become a leading journal in the field of scientific publishing. Work in it has developed into one of the scientific journals that governs and publishes research according to international standards and generally accepted scientific publishing rules.
Therefore, its publications are in two ways: firstly, academic scientific articles for the purposes of scientific promotion; Secondly, developmental scientific research in the specialty, which includes the generation of scientific theory.
The journal includes well-known scientific expertise in the specialized fields, represented by its editorial board, which includes regional experts and experts from Iraq. They are well-known and experienced professors in the field of evaluation and scientific publishing, the majority of whom hold the rank of professor.
The journal is keen on advancing the research reality and scientific progress by providing the opportunity for refereed publication without significant material costs for the researcher. This is because scientific research is published free of charge, believing in the necessity of scientific advancement since it is issued by a scientific authority.
The journal is also keen on the regularity of its issuance. It has been so since its experimental issue until now. The number of its issues reached thirty until the moment of writing these lines.
The website of Dawat Al-Mahkama journal was established at the end of 2014 AD to be a window that facilitates researchers’ communication with the journal and publish in it from anywhere, university, home, means of transportation, parks, etc. It is in itself a distinguished service that the site offers to researchers, students, and publishers. It provides the following services:
- The latest news about the journal, its members, and what is related to its issues and scientific publication in it.
- Selecting distinguished and high-quality research by its experts and presenting it to researchers to be cited and referred to.
- The service of searching in the database of the papers published in the journal and comparing them with the suggested titles of research, theses, dissertations and so that the reader can know what has been researched and not.
- Serving a corner about the journals memory to view previously published papers and to study a specific topic virtually.
- Observing scientific ideas and efforts in the scientific field by looking at research abstract.